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'Street art' in Stavanger

Misc. photos

A man with no name

Veasyble by GAIA

Such a cute project on public intimacy done by GAIA. Visit their homepage to see more photos. (

Quote from their homepage:

The project is based on three keywords: isolation, intimacy and ornament. It consists of a set of wearable objects that can be converted into means of isolation, to create a personal intimacy in any environment. The idea derives from a reflection on the change in our relationship with the domestic environment, due to the effects of our increasing mobility, and how this has affected our concept of intimacy, creating new demands. This led to the design of four accessories, screen for four different parts of the body: eyes, ears, face and upper body, expressing, through their shape and colour, our desire for intimacy at any time, any place, on various levels.

Imagine if that were noses floating in the sea.

Waiting for something

Knock knock. Who's there?


Just a doodle.

Circular Quay by night